Below is a selection of magazine and/or newspaper articles that have been written about our work. Please note that despite all efforts to proof-read and correct any media publication before printing, it is not always possible. Errors may occur and we apologize in advance if you have been affected by it.
October 2017: Mein Pferd
August 2017: The Independent
NEWS UPDATES FOR 2016: Follow the link to the Elephant Ignite Expedition for media articles and press releases! The expedition was a major succes and featured in a large number of magazines, newspapers, radio and tv shows.
October 2015:
Meander Chroncile KZN Midlands
June 2015:
April 2015:
February 2014:
Schwäbische Zeitung
October 2013:
Highway Mail, 31st October - Celebration & Auction article!
September 2013:
Highway Mail, 26th September - Completion article!
The Zambezi Traveller, Issue 14
August 2013:
The Intrepid Explorer , Issue 3